I believe I first heard of Shiro cosmetics from
Phyrra's blog, but I've seen it on so many other blogs I'm not 100% sure anymore! When I saw shadows named after Pokemon I HAD to have some I was such a huge Pokemon fan when it first came out, and I still play the game on my DS (can't wait for Pokemon Black & White!).
Shipping was quick and everything came well packaged and the samples came in a cute little red bag. I received 2 free samples and love both of them, Squirtle & Mewtwo. The owner has an
etsy shop, and her own
website. I also gotta say I LOVE the smaller but still wide baggies, they are much easier to use (even though I usually eventually put all my samples in little jars) most companies use tall baggies and I find it really difficult to get at the shadow all the way at the bottom of the bag.
I picked up Meowth and SS Anne since Phyrra seemed to love them so much and I am not disappointed, for neutral shades they are very lovely, especially SS Anne!
She is also releasing some Zelda inspired eyeshadows that I CANNOT wait to get my hands on, but since it's so close to my birthday and Christmas I have been put on a no buy :P My SO loves Zelda and really liked this collections so I may be getting some for Christmas. And if not I am going to get myself some after the holidays :D

Click on image above to make it bigger and see the names of each sample.

Outdoors full sunlight.

Indoors with flash.
L to R: Brock the Rock, Seaking, S.S. Anne, Meowth, Rapidash, Gengar, Rattata, Spiritomb, Mewtwo, Poliwrath, Squirtle, and Wobbuffet.

Outdoors full sunlight.

Indoors with flash
L to R: Brock the Rock, Seaking, S.S. Anne, Meowth, Rapidash, and Gengar.
(I just noticed I accidentally cut out Brock in the sunlight picture, so sorry!)

Outdoors full sunlight.

Indoors with flash.
L to R: Rattata, Spiritomb, Mewtwo, Poliwrath, Squirtle, and Wobbuffet.
I love all these shadows but I have a few favourites: Seaking, S.S. Anne, Rapidash, and Rattata.
The SO's favourites are: Seaking, Wobbuffet, and Spiritomb